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Bob Binnie

Bob Binnie began commercial beekeeping in 1981 in Oregon & has been involved in commercial beekeeping in 10 states. He handles all beekeeping and sale for Blue Ridge Honey Company that he operates with wife, Suzette.

Bob is a past President of the Georgia State Beekeepers Association (2008 and 2009), and has served 2 terms on the Board of Directors. He is a past President of the Northeast GA. Mountain Beekeepers Association. Bob is the past President of the Macon County Beekeepers club in NC.

He was voted the 2003 Georgia State Beekeeper of the Year by the Georgia State Beekeepers Association. He is often a guest speaker at many clubs in the southeast and is often asked to teach classes at Beekeeping Schools.

Randy Oliver

I started keeping bees as a hobbyist around 1966, and then went on to get university degrees in biological sciences, specializing in entomology. In 1980 I began to build a migratory beekeeping operation in California, and currently run around 1000-1500 hives with my two sons, from which we make our livings (update: Eric and Ian are in the process of taking over the operation–allowing me more time for research).

In 1993, the varroa mite arrived in California, and after it wiped out my operation for the second time in 1999, I decided to “hit the books” and use my scientific background to learn to fight back. I started writing for the American Bee Journal in 2006, and have submitted articles nearly every month since then (see “Articles by Publication Date”).

My writing for the Journal brought me requests to speak at beekeeping conventions, which has also allowed me the chance to visit beekeepers from all over North America and several other continents. I read most every scientific study relating to beekeeping, and regularly correspond with beekeepers and researchers worldwide.

What I try to do in my articles and blogs is to scour scientific papers for practical beekeeping applications, and to sort through the advice, opinion, and conjecture found in the bee magazines and on the Web, taking no positions other than to provide accurate information to Joe Beekeeper, following the suggestion in 1922 by New Zealand beekeeping author Isaac Hopkins:

That scientific accuracy, as opposed to rule of thumb, or guess-work methods, is much needed in commercial production to attain the success we should aim for, will be acceded by all intelligent beekeepers. There are many, however who do not realise this, or at all events, do not sufficiently appreciate the principle in their practice, but are content muddle along in a slipshod fashion to their great loss. From THE BEE WORLD February 1922

I regularly update the articles on this site as new information becomes available, and solicit constructive criticism or comments. Perhaps the best venue for such discussion is at the Informed Discussion of Beekeeping Issues and Bee Biology. Be sure to subscribe to updates, and I’ll email you monthly when I add content to the site

Dr. Juliana Rangel

Born in Colombia, South America, Juliana Rangel, Ph. D. is Associate Professor of Apiculture in the Department of Entomology at Texas A&M University (TAMU) in College Station, TX. Her research program focuses on the biological and environmental factors that affect the reproductive quality of honey bee queens and drones, the behavioral ecology and population genetics of unmanaged honey bees, and the quality and diversity of honey bee nutrition in a changing landscape. She has garnered over $1.9 million in extramural funding for her research program. She is an active member of the Texas Beekeepers Association and has spoken to dozens of beekeeping associations across the USA and internationally.

Rangel teaches the courses Honey Bee Biology, Introduction to Beekeeping, and Professional Grant and Contract Writing. Since 2014 she has been the coach of TAMU’s undergraduate and graduate teams of the Entomology Games at the branch and national games of the Entomological Society of America (ESA). She is the 2022 Secretary for the Southwestern Branch of the ESA and is the past elected chair of the National ESA’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee. She has been part of several committees at the departmental, college, and university level. In 2021 she received the James I. Hambleton Memorial Award, which was established by the Eastern Apicultural Society of North America. She received the 2019 Dean’s award for Excellence in Diversity and in 2016 for Excellence in Early Career Research.

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